How To Prepare For A Kitchen Remodel: Survival Guide

A modern kitchen with sleek countertops and stylish fixtures—prepare for your kitchen remodel and start designing your dream space today.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of a kitchen remodel? You’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle with how to prepare for a kitchen remodel and keep their daily lives running smoothly.

A kitchen renovation can disrupt your routine for weeks, making meal prep and family time challenging.

Did you know that setting up a temporary kitchen is a key step in preparing for a remodel? This simple act can make a big difference in your daily life during the project. Our survival guide will walk you through the essential steps to prepare for your kitchen makeover.

From clearing out your space to managing the disruption, we’ve got you covered. Ready to learn how to survive your kitchen remodel?

Key Takeaways

  • Clear out your kitchen before the remodel, which takes 4-5 hours for most kitchens. Pack items you’ll need and set up a temp kitchen in another room.
  • Set up a temporary kitchen with a work area, fridge, dishwashing spot, counter for appliances, and trash zone. Stock it with useful tools like a coffee maker and induction cooktop.
  • Keep a clean zone free from dust and mess during the remodel. Use plastic sheets to contain debris in the work area.
  • Plan simple meals, use disposable plates, and stock up on ready-to-eat foods to reduce cooking needs during the renovation.
  • Talk to your contractor often, sharing thoughts and asking questions to avoid mix-ups and keep work on track.

Initial Steps for Kitchen Remodel Preparation

Preparing for a kitchen remodel starts with clearing out your space. You’ll need to empty cabinets, drawers, and countertops to make room for construction work.

Clear the kitchen space

Clear out your kitchen before the remodel starts. Remove all items from cabinets, drawers, and countertops. This process takes about 4-5 hours for most kitchens. Sort through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or throw away.

Pack up items you’ll need during the remodel and label boxes clearly.

Set up a temporary kitchen area in another room. Move daily-use items like dishes, pots, and small appliances to this space. Your kitchen may be out of commission for 4 to 12 weeks, so plan accordingly.

Use color-coded labels to organize your packed items for easy access later.

A well-organized kitchen is the foundation of a successful remodel.

Set up a temporary kitchen

Set up a temporary kitchen in your laundry room. This space works well because it has plumbing and may have been updated before. You’ll need five key parts: a work area, fridge, dish washing spot, counter for appliances, and a trash zone.

Stock your temp kitchen with useful tools like a coffee maker, toaster oven, food processor, mixer, blender, Instant Pot, and induction cooktop. These items will help you cook simple meals during the remodel.

For easy meal prep, try Green Chef’s meal plans. They offer ready-to-cook meals that save time and effort. With these tips, you can create a functional cooking space while your main kitchen is under construction.

Next, let’s look at key strategies to use during the remodel process.

Key Strategies During the Remodel

A kitchen remodel can turn your home upside down. Use these key strategies to keep your life on track during the chaos.

Maintain a designated clean zone

Keep a clean zone during your kitchen remodel. This area should be free from dust and mess. Set clear limits for this space to protect the rest of your home. Use plastic sheets or barriers to contain debris in the work area.

Check the clean zone often to fix any issues quickly.

A clean zone is your sanctuary during a kitchen remodel.

Make sure your clean zone stays tidy. Move items you need daily to this area. This might include a coffee maker, toaster, or microwave. Having these things close by will make your life easier while the work goes on.

Don’t forget to cover furniture in nearby rooms to keep it clean too.

Prepare for dining and cooking adjustments

After setting up a clean zone, you’ll need to adjust your dining and cooking habits. Plan simple meals that don’t require much prep or cooking time. Use disposable plates and utensils to cut down on dish washing.

Set up a small cooking area with essential appliances like a microwave, toaster oven, and hot plate. This makeshift kitchen will help you prepare quick, easy meals during the remodel.

Stock up on ready-to-eat foods and snacks to reduce cooking needs. If the weather is nice, try grilling or eating meals outdoors for a change of pace.

Managing the Disruption

A kitchen remodel can disrupt your daily life. Plan ahead to keep your family and pets safe during the work.

Relocate pets and plan for family needs

Keep your pets safe during a kitchen remodel. Move them to a friend’s house or a room far from the work area. This protects them from dust, noise, and harmful materials. If you can’t relocate them, use crates or baby gates to keep them away from the construction zone.

Clean their paws after they walk through dusty areas.

Plan for your family’s needs too. Set up a temporary kitchen in another room with a microwave, mini-fridge, and essential cooking tools. Stock up on easy-to-make meals and paper plates to reduce dish washing.

Talk to your family about the changes and ask for their help during the remodel. This will make the process smoother for everyone.

Keep communication lines open with contractors

Talk to your contractor often during your kitchen remodel. Share your thoughts and ask questions about the project. This helps avoid mix-ups and keeps work on track. Your Project Manager is there to help, so don’t be shy.

Ask them about timelines, details, and any concerns you have. Clear talks with your team can make your remodel smoother and less stressful.

After the Remodel

After your kitchen remodel, you’ll want to set up your new space. Organize your cabinets and add personal touches to make your kitchen feel like home.

Organizing and decorating your new kitchen

Your new kitchen is ready! Now it’s time to make it your own. Start by putting things away in a way that makes sense for you. Group similar items together and keep often-used tools within easy reach.

Think about how you’ll use the space and arrange items to fit your needs. For example, store pots and pans near the stove for quick access when cooking.

Decorating is the fun part! Choose colors and styles that match your taste and the rest of your home. Add some personal touches like artwork or plants to make the space feel warm and inviting.

Don’t forget about lighting – it can change the whole mood of your kitchen. With some thought and care, you’ll create a beautiful, functional space that you’ll love for years to come.


A kitchen remodel can be challenging, but effective planning simplifies the process. This guide provides practical tips to prepare and maintain your composure during the project. Following these steps will help you manage the disruption and tension efficiently.

Before long, you’ll appreciate your updated kitchen and take pride in your accomplishment. The effort is worthwhile when you see your ideal kitchen become a reality.


1. How long does a kitchen remodel usually take?

A typical kitchen remodel lasts about 6-8 weeks. This time frame can change based on the size of your project. Plan for meals and daily routines during this period. Set up a temporary kitchen space to help you survive without your main cooking area.

2. What should I do with my kitchen items during the renovation?

Pack up your kitchen items carefully. Move everything out of the construction area. Store fragile items, dishes, and cooking tools in a safe place. Use plastic wrap to protect larger items. Keep some basic utensils and dinnerware handy for daily use.

3. How can I plan meals during a kitchen remodel?

Focus on planning simple meals that don’t need much prep. Use appliances like a microwave or slow cooker. Set up a small eating area away from the work zone. Stock up on easy-to-prepare foods and consider using disposable plates to cut down on cleanup.

4. What should I consider when budgeting for a kitchen remodel?

Create a detailed budget for your kitchen redo. Include costs for new appliances, cabinets, countertops, and fixtures. Don’t forget to factor in labor costs and potential surprises. Set aside some extra money for unexpected issues that might come up during the remodeling process.

5. How can I stay organized during the remodeling project?

Make a step-by-step guide for your kitchen remodel. Keep all important documents in one place. Take photos of your old kitchen before work starts. This helps you track progress and remember where things were. Label boxes clearly when packing to make unpacking easier later.

6. What safety precautions should I take during a kitchen renovation?

Keep children and pets away from the construction area. Store tools and materials safely when not in use. Make sure workers have clear paths to move around. Cover furniture in nearby rooms to protect from dust. Have a first-aid kit handy and know where to turn off water and electricity if needed.

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